Mentiras (feat. Daniel French)


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Nosotros, the critically acclaimed 10-piece Latin music band known for their vibrant fusion of rhythms and socially conscious lyrics, released their latest single titled "Mentiras.” In the wake of a tumultuous political climate and presidential voting year, this song emerges as a powerful anthem that takes a pointed look at political dishonesty,

Nosotros, the critically acclaimed 10-piece Latin music band known for their vibrant fusion of rhythms and socially conscious lyrics, released their latest single titled "Mentiras.” In the wake of a tumultuous political climate and presidential voting year, this song emerges as a powerful anthem that takes a pointed look at political dishonesty, advocates for unity and asks everyone to get active and vote.

Produced by Raul Pacheco of Ozomatli and features Daniel French of Las Cafeteras.

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